Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Bioavailability of Silica Supplements and Mineral Water: (OSA) orthosilicic acid

This testing was done by Dennis N Crouse chemist and author of Prevent Alzheimer's Autism and Stroke with 7 Supplements 7 Lifestyle choices and a Dissolved Mineral

Book link

This is an update to the table in Chapter 5 of my husband's book.  He tested 3 more silica supplements.

The conclusion again is the most bioavailable form of OSA (orthosilicic acid) is mineral water. 

OSA is effective at removing aluminum from our bodies. 


  1. Please help me with this table. Does this mean the supplements do not supply enough silica to remove aluminum due to their low bioavailability? I see the cost per day is much lower than the water, but so is the bioavailability. How many supplements would one need daily to provide the same effect as 3-4 glasses of the water?

    1. I did some calculations you would have to take around 41 bamboo capsules to get the correct OSA for a day. The cost would be $4 a day. You would have to take 10 ounces of the Saguna silicogel to get the correct daily OSA for $17.

  2. You are correct supplements will not give you enough OSA(orthosilicic acid). Bottom line is supplements other than mineral water or silicade are ineffective at removing aluminum. This table will be in my husband's new book which will be on the Health Benefits of Silica. We are hoping the book will be available later this year. The bioavailability of silica supplements is in my husband's first book in Chapter 5, Prevent Alzheimer's Autism and Stroke with 7 Supplements 7 Lifestyle choices and a dissolved mineral (silica). This is a updated table as he tested more supplements.
